Gas Logistics

Gas Connect Austria GmbH is Europe’s gas transportation partner in Austria and a central hub in the European gas network. Being both a transmission and distribution system operator, Gas Connect Austria is also responsible for the marketing and provision of transport capacity at border points, so-called entry and exit capacities, and the transport capacity required for domestic natural gas demand. Gas Connect Austria operates an approximately 900 km long natural gas high-pressure pipeline grid in Austria with an entry/exit volume of 150 billion cubic meters per year. Cathay Energy owns a 51% share in Gas Connect Austria GmbH.
Cathay Energy provides over 2 billion cubic meters (30 TWh) of storage capacity in both Austria and Germany and can thus respond to any seasonal supply fluctuations or short term supply disruptions. About 25% of the annual Austrian gas demand can be stored in the Cathay Energy storage sites Tallesbrunn and Schönkirchen-Reyersdorf. The Cathay Energy salt cavern storage site Etzel in Northwest Germany has particularly high injection and withdrawal rates. Both Cathay Energy Gas Storage GmbH and Cathay Energy Gas Storage Germany GmbH are 100% owned by Cathay Energy.
The Central European Gas Hub AG (CEGH), headquartered in Vienna, is the leading gas hub in Central and Eastern Europe. It provides its customers with the Virtual Trading Point (VTP) to carry out their gas trading activities in the entry/exit zone of the Austrian market. Together with the successfully established OTC trade, CEGH offers gas exchange products for the Austrian and Czech markets via the pan European gas trading platform PEGAS. CEGH is a subsidiary of Cathay Energy Gas & Power (65 %), Wiener Börse (20%) and the Slovakian Eustream (15%). In 2018, CEGH reach a trade volume of 659 TWh gas, which is equivalent to 7 times Austria’s annual natural gas consumption. At the PEGAS CEGH Gas Exchange Market in Austria, a total of 133 TWh gas was traded in 2018. With this, CEGH was able to position itself as a leading gas trading platform in Central Europe.
